Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Turn Wordpress Into A Membership Site
the resource that I just came across:
Wishlist WP Membership Plugin
Many people have tried to turn WordPress into
a membership site but in the past it's been
quite tricky.
There are some fabulous plugins out there but
you had to "tweak this" and "tweak that" and
if you aren't technical, it becomes very
That's why I was very excited when I saw
WishList Member.
It's a membership solution that was
specifically built for WordPress.
Wishlist WP Membership Plugin
The best part is, it has all the features you
would want in a membership solution AND it is
compatible with all of your other favorite
So you get the best of both worlds :)
Plus, they've added some very cool features
to make running and managing a membership
site a whole lot easier.
Like I said, if you like using WordPress,
then you'll love WishList Member.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wordpress Plugin Takes Advantage of Non-Converting Blog Traffic
MonsterClicks – Here is the features of the plugin
Automatic Cloaking
MonsterClicks incorporates the ability to cloak pages dynamically. All you have to do is create sets with pre-defined criteria and as the pages are built for you, so is the cloaking.
Manual Cloaking

You have the ability to “edit” any post and do a manual override of the cloaking function. Do you have a post that is getting ranked well and want to send all of the visitors directly to an affiliate offer? Perhaps you have a pre-existing site with established traffic and want to cloak visitors to a new page with updated information. MonsterClicks.com can do it all!
Spider Detection Based on UA (User Agent)
MonsterClicks incorporates a vast database of UA (User Agents) to detect spiders. If the Google bot comes to your site for a visit, then MonsterClicks.com will show the non cloaked version of the page.
Spider Detection Based on IP Address
We constantly update the MonsterClicks database of IP’s of known agents and bots.
Automatic Site Builder
Are you too lazy to build your own site? Don’t worry, I am too! With a few clicks of a button you can now build a MASSIVE Wordpress site automatically and have every page cloaked dynamically. This is one of the best tricks known on the internet today.
RSS Feed Scraper
By scrapping RSS feeds your blog is constantly up to date with the information and keywords you have defined. There is no need for you to even write your own content, MonsterClicks.com does it all.
Back Date Post to Make Your Blog Appear Older
Want to make your blog look 3 years old? No Problem! Just back date the post and MonsterClicks.com will back date and fill in the post.
Set a forward date so that your blog will continually produce content
Want to keep posting and forget you even own a blog? Just set a date into the future and MonsterClicks.com will keep scraping the RSS feeds and updating your blog for you. The Entire time each post will be cloaked to an affiliate offer.
Use this plugin to take advantage of all your blog traffic that is non-converting. You can use it for a single post, a couple of posts or the entire blog. One or two affiliate sales and the plugin is paid for!
Check out this video:
Thursday, February 19, 2009
WordpressCrusher Review and WordPress Bonus!
How awesome....how many times have you've gotten a bonus or extra material of any value when purchasing a product?
Kudos go out to Mr. Plank for his generosity and the fact that he gives a rip about his customers :)
OK....so you want to know what he sent?
This guy is smart....a very smart marketer!
He created a wordpress blog, turned it into a password protected blog and posted some genuine bonus content related to wordpress plugins and the tutorial package I purchased called WordpressCrusher.
He created a plugin that rotates content, this wordpress plugin can rotate just about any type of content on your page. The best part is that he created a screen capture video, about 60 minutes long, that shows exactly how he built the plugin. If you want to learn how to build wordpress plugins, then you really need to check out WordPress Crusher.
Grab a copy of Wordpress Crusher and watch out for the extra bonus plugins that Robert provides!
Monday, February 16, 2009
How Wordpress Crusher Manipulates Your Website Visitors
* Ethically bribe your visitors to leave comments on your blog every single day... this is the same technique I've used on my blog for over a year to make sure that none of the entries have less than 10 comments, and one entry has nearly 100 comments. Now, I've found a way to automate it! How many comments does your blog have? Want more?
- How to get your WordPress plugins to e-mail visitors, e-mail you, or perform any action the instant you make a new blog post.
- Abolish social media sites that suck up time... now you can instantly re-post all your blog entries to the Twitter social network without having to login, ever again.
- Allow visitors to limit the reach of your plugins to only affect specific posts they choose.
- Use the amount of videos, posts and comments to impress your visitors and get them to stay longer on your site.
Wordpress Crusher will teach you how to develop your own wordpress plugins, however, it comes with the source code for 7 plugins that can actually be used as templates for making an unlimited number of wordpress plugins.
Wordpress Crusher isn't for the newbie, however, not being a php expert myself.....I have learned how to build wordpress plugins from the video tutorials and pdf documents provided by Robert Plank.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Build a Wordpress Plugin with Wordpress Crusher for RSS Based Autoblogging
For more Wordpress Crusher Review.
RSS-Based Autoblogging: Why My WordPress Blogs Get More Comments, Repeat Visitors and Sales Than Yours... and I've Never Written a Single Post on Most of Them!
- Use a secret plugin to automatically import as many RSS feeds as you want, as often or as rarely as you want... use either full article RSS feeds or simple news feeds... to keep your blog content as updated and fresh as possible, without you having to lift a finger.
- How to get your plugins to respond to shortcode so you can add repetitious items onto your blog posts with ease!
- Embed Camtasia or YouTube videos as easily as you can type a URL... the days of WordPress breaking your special video codes are over!
- Get your WordPress plugin to edit anything in the database for you... this means you can distribute plugins that store lots and lots of information, without the usual customer support headache for installations! Now your users can install your scripts with one click.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Selling WP Plugins Made with Wordpress Crusher
I'm really a php newbie, so it takes a lot of effort to keep focused...... could be because I'm 54!
I got an email today about Wordpress Crusher from Robert and it looks like he's been reading my mind. His email was about creating wordpress plugins and selling them. One of the things about wordpresscrusher that gets me so excited is creating different wordpress plugins and selling the plugin or using it to build a list.
Think about this, how many people can actually write a wordpress plugin versus how many people can write an ebook? Of course there are far fewer people that can write a wordpress plugin than can write an ebook, consequently you have far less competition!
Anyway here's the email he just sent me.
There are so many things you can do once you have
a WordPress plugin.
You can sell it for a fee and code in a built-in
affiliate program.
You can give it away and use it to get traffic.
You can keep it to yourself and use it on your
own blogs.
And, it's not that hard to take any of your
existing PHP scripts, and turn them into
WordPress plugins.
So what are you waiting for? I've just released
a set of videos, plugins, PHP templates, and
tutorials so you can hit the ground running on
WordPress plugin creation.
Even if you've already written WordPress
plugins... these templates will help you write
them faster.
Even if you're going to outsource your WordPress
plugins... these templates will get your
programmer to write them faster.
Even if you don't care about writing WordPress
plugins... there are 9 plugins you can use right
out of the box to drip-feed articles, import RSS
feeds, get more comments, link to your Twitter
account, copy posts to your Twitter account, show
your blog's statistics, post more often on
popular blogs, and embed videos.
p.s. Did I mention you get 750 days worth of
updates and a 60 day refund period?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
WordpressCrusher Teaches How to Build Wordpress Plugins
I've always wanted to build wordpress plugins so I immediately purchased Wordpress Crusher! I'm watching the Video Tutorials now and I'm amazed at how easy it is to build a wordpress plugin......even I think I can do it! Stay tuned, as I finished watching and reading, I'll let you know what kind of plugins I make.
Below is the email I recieved from Robert Plank regarding Wordpress Crusher and building wordpress plugins.
Hey guys,
After that last e-mail you got from me, you might
be wondering what I've been up to lately. I've
been having a lot of fun coding some WordPress
(blog) plugins from scratch.
In fact, I've made so many WordPress plugins in
the past couple of weeks that I made "PHP
templates" for them. If I want to make a sidebar
widget... I open a file and fill a couple things
If I want to make a plugin that does database
stuff... for example, a plugin that ethically
bribes my users by giving them a present if they
leave 5 comments, I open that template.
If I want to make a plugin that responds to new
blog posts... like automatically copying each
post I make onto Twitter for social marketing, I
open that template.
I've got 7 of those kinds of templates. You can
handle posts, custom fields that apply to the
whole WordPress blog, custom fields that only
apply to specific posts, embed video and other
"repetitious" code... just fill stuff in with
PHP code.
Quick question for you.
Let's say I just gave you a plugin that allowed
you to drip feed your articles into your blog...
upload a zip file containing a bunch of text
files, each representing an article... and you
could specify you want those articles to get
scheduled 1 week apart, 4 days apart, 72 hours
apart, and so on. You could also tell WordPress
what time of day you wanted to post the articles.
Would that be worth $47 to you, to save hours and
hours of work? Because that's what a couple of
people are selling those plugins for.
If you went to anyone else, that would cost you
$47 just for that one plugin... but with me...
that's not even 1/16th of what you get!
You read right. If you have NO interest in
learning WordPress plugins, I'll give you 9
plugins that do everything from regularly import
multiple full RSS feeds content as blog posts...
so you don't have to update your blog anymore.
Automate the call-to-actions asking people to
leave comments. Show the number of posts,
comments, and video available on your blog.
Publish posts from your drafts if a ton of people
comment (the ten comment rule!) Should I keep
Just to sum up, the package I'm going to offer
you TODAY... contains those 9 plugins,
plus 7 fill-in-the blank templates... plus
detailed PDF documentation, plus a 20 to 40
minute video showing how I made the plugin, and
how to use the plugin... so you can make any
changes you want.
If any of this sounds good to you, make sure to
take a look at this URL:
p.s. Yep, no pre-launching this time, I'm just
dumping this offer on you. Take it or leave it.
I'm selling 100 copies above $17, 100 copies
above $27, 100 copies above $37, and so on.
p.p.s. Thanks a ton for your replies yesterday...
I got over 75 responses to "what is your most
needed WordPress plugin" ... and I got about 60
solid ideas to work on for the bonus plugins to
this package.
One more thing, the price is still around $40....so you can pick up a copy at his discounted roll out price. Each purchase makes the price go higher, I've seen Roberts tools and tutorials go from $5 to $100 in a couple of days. Even if you pay full price, and many do, it is well worth the cost. I say that without any hype or bribery. I have a son in college, about $25,000 a year. Back in the day it cost me $5,000 a year.
What's my point?
Any of Robert Plank's courses are equal to.....in fact exceed anything you could learn in college. You see, what you learn in a hundred dollar course from Robert is a condensed and application form of php programming and internet marketing. Real programming and real marketing that makes real money.
I've said it before....I really don't like heaping praise on Mr. Plank, he's a bit of a young punk with a big head, but when you're good....well, you're good.
Check out WordpressCrusher or if you prefer Wordpress Crusher today and start cranking out your own wordpress plugins!
Wordpress Crusher Teaches You to Write Plugins
I've been reading, watching and studying Robert Plank's new package called WordpressCrusher. I wanted to build wordpress plugins and just couldn't get a handle on the coding. I was willing to learn the php but nobody had anything that taught me how to do the basic programming. WordpressCrusher has an awesome collection of templates you can use to build plugins with.....literally 100's of plugins.
I love learning new stuff, especially when it can increase my efficiency and income at the same time. Plank teaches with precision..... using screen capture video, separate pages with coding so you don't have to copy and paste along with a details pdf guide that is printable.
If you use wordpress, you undoubtedly have use a handful of plugins...maybe more. Building a wordpress plugin and marketing that plugin could be your ticket to big money.
If you build a plugin with the information and templates you get with Wordpress Crusher you not only make life easier for yourself, you have a marketable entity.
You could sell your new plugin, or you could give it away. Sell your new wordpress plugin and make some money or give it away and build your list. You could even offer it no the warrior forums special forum called the Warrior Special Offer forum (WSO). Hungry marketers are always looking for WSO's, especially cheap ones.
My head is spinning....so many possibilities when you build your own wordpress plugins. Wordpress Crusher now gives you the tools you can use to create a product that is unique. Think about it, everyone and their brother are writing ebooks or small reports. How many plugins do you see?
I found a video that will give you an idea of the basics involved when building a plugin. This shows the very basics, Wordpress Crusher goes into great detail..... you owe it to yourself to check this one out!
Check out the review of WordpressCrusher.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Build Wordpress Plugins
Build WordPress Plugins in a Couple of Minutes, While Your Competitors Are Still Struggling to Make Them From Scratch....or Paying Someone!
After getting your hands on these WordPress plugin templates, you'll be able to whip up a WordPress plugin that you can install on your blog -- or all your blogs -- to improve the way it behaves.
You can learn how to build wordpress plugins from scratch, or edit one of the basic wordpress plugin templates to build your own wordpress plugin.
If you've used WordPress blogging software for any length of time then you know that you tend to install a few plugins to make it behave exactly the way you want. Plugins to track visitors, backup your blog, stop comment spam in its tracks, generate sitemaps, show related posts...
But what about the plugins that don't exist yet? Surely there's something you want your blog to do right this second, that no existing WordPress plugin can do for you. How awesome would it be if you could build a wordpress plugin!
That's why I've got these 9 ready-made plugins and 31 minutes of quick start videos to drip-feed articles and RSS, embed videos, bribe for comments, re-post blog entries to Twitter, and much more!
For you curious types out there, I've also got an additional 4.7 hours of video, 7 pages of fill-in-the-blank PHP templates, and 86 pages of very easy to read PDF instructions so you can figure out exactly how the plugin was made... and re-use existing code to make your own plugins in 10% of the time it would normally take on your own.
Make some info appear as a sidebar widget, rewrite existing blog entries, respond to new blog posts and comments, and more! You are limited to your imagination when you build wordpress plugin.
Or, apply these plugins as-is! These are actual working WordPress plugins -- that allow you to do everything from copying your WordPress posts to Twitter, reward readers for leaving comments, automatically import articles and RSS feeds, and more.
You'll find all this in a new tutorial series where you'll learn build wordpress plugin on your and this series is called WordpressCrusher! Complete screen capture video and pdf tutorials!
Check out Wordpress Crusher Today......you might even find a substantial discount :)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Learn How to Write Wordpress Plugins
Do you use a WordPress blog?
If you have used WordPress for longer than a few days you know how handy it is to have plugins that backup your database, generate Google sitemaps for more traffic, and optimize your HTML for search engine rankings...
What about those plugins that put your blog on autopilot, so you don't have to update it anymore?
Or ones that get you way more comments, so you can generate buzz about your blog posts without any effort on your part.
What about the plugins that YOU want to make? Ones that don't exist yet?
WordPress developer Robert Plank has made so many WordPress plugins in the past couple of weeks that he coded "PHP templates" for them. If you want to make a sidebar widget... open a file and fill a couple things in.
If you want to make a plugin that does database stuff... for example, a plugin that ethically bribes my users by giving them a present if they leave 5 comments, I open that template.
If you want to make a plugin that responds to new blog posts... like automatically copying each post I make onto Twitter for social marketing, I open that template.
I've got 7 of those kinds of templates. You can handle posts, custom fields that apply to the whole WordPress blog, custom fields that only apply to specific posts, embed video and other "repetitious" code... just fill stuff in with PHP code.
Quick question for you.
Let's say I just gave you a plugin that allowed you to drip feed your articles into your blog... upload a zip file containing a bunch of text files, each representing an article... and you could specify you want those articles to get scheduled 1 week apart, 4 days apart, 72 hours apart, and so on. You could also tell WordPress what time of day you wanted to post the articles.
Would that be worth $47 to you, to save hours and hours of work? Because that's what a couple of people are selling those plugins for.
If you went to anyone else, that would cost you $47 just for that one plugin... but with me... that's not even 1/16th of what you get!
You read right. If you have NO interest in learning WordPress plugins, I'll give you 9 plugins that do everything from regularly import multiple full RSS feeds content as blog posts... so you don't have to update your blog anymore.
Automate the call-to-actions asking people to leave comments. Show the number of posts, comments, and video available on your blog. Publish posts from your drafts if a ton of people comment (the ten comment rule!) Should I keep going?
The "WordPress Crusher" package contains those 9 plugins, plus 7 fill-in-the blank templates... 86 pages of details PDF documentation, 31 minutes of quick start "how to install all the plugins" videos... and 4.7 hours of full WordPress training so you can make any changes you want.
If any of this sounds good to you, make sure to take a look at this URL: