Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wordpress Crusher Teaches You to Write Plugins

It might seem like rocket science, but once you take a hard look, writing your own wordpress plugins can be a piece of cake!

I've been reading, watching and studying Robert Plank's new package called WordpressCrusher. I wanted to build wordpress plugins and just couldn't get a handle on the coding. I was willing to learn the php but nobody had anything that taught me how to do the basic programming. WordpressCrusher has an awesome collection of templates you can use to build plugins with.....literally 100's of plugins.

I love learning new stuff, especially when it can increase my efficiency and income at the same time. Plank teaches with precision..... using screen capture video, separate pages with coding so you don't have to copy and paste along with a details pdf guide that is printable.

If you use wordpress, you undoubtedly have use a handful of plugins...maybe more. Building a wordpress plugin and marketing that plugin could be your ticket to big money.

If you build a plugin with the information and templates you get with Wordpress Crusher you not only make life easier for yourself, you have a marketable entity.

You could sell your new plugin, or you could give it away. Sell your new wordpress plugin and make some money or give it away and build your list. You could even offer it no the warrior forums special forum called the Warrior Special Offer forum (WSO). Hungry marketers are always looking for WSO's, especially cheap ones.

My head is many possibilities when you build your own wordpress plugins. Wordpress Crusher now gives you the tools you can use to create a product that is unique. Think about it, everyone and their brother are writing ebooks or small reports. How many plugins do you see?

I found a video that will give you an idea of the basics involved when building a plugin. This shows the very basics, Wordpress Crusher goes into great detail..... you owe it to yourself to check this one out!

Check out the review of WordpressCrusher.

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